Thursday, April 20, 2017

It's been awhile!

Hello all! It has been so long since my fingers were able to write a blog.  My mind, heart and soul has been wanting to get some stuff out and I finally figured out how to re-activate and get into this account.

Since the last time I was here a lot has happened.  I supposed I could make all of this about my fitness but that isn't my whole life so I will start out with my family.  My daughter is 3.5 and my son now 15 months and they are still as incredible as ever! My daughter is very spunky, super smart and at times can be very sneaky (woops, I think she may have inherited that from me).  My son looks up to her so much and they have a great relationship together.  They get under each others skin sometimes but for the most part they really need and want the other to be around.  My son (Noah) has learned so much from my daughter (Aubrey).  At 15 months he can seriously respond to questions with a head nod and when you aren't quite getting it he knows how to point in the direction of what he wants.  I was amused yesterday when I was playing around with him and smelling his feet.  I would say "ewww stinky" and set it back down, he would laugh and lift it back up to my nose! I mean come on! Seriously so intelligent! 

Aubrey will be going to Pre-K this September and I really just can't grasp that.  I see all of these memories on Facebook every day of her and I at home, at the park, the zoo, so little, how did she get this old already?  Sometimes I ask her "do you remember Mommy taking you to this park all the time?" She says no because she was so little and it does hurt my heart to think the time I did stay at home with her she won't ever remember but we have tons of pictures and memories to show her when she is older.  Not only that but I think even though she won't remember or Noah won't remember Andrew being home it really sets their foundation to trust us and helps build that bond to have a good relationship.  Aubrey is at the point where she is testing her boundaries and getting into trouble a lot but they are both extremely amazing kids and I am so proud of them!

Since my last entry I have got myself a big girl job working at an alternative school as a LMSW.  As much as it is not my dream job I really enjoy it and I work with some really amazing Social Workers!  We are all sort of in the same age range, I am the oldest now since one of the girls already quit but age range from early 20's to mid 30's.  They are all so amazing at what they do and have so much to bring to this school.  I also really enjoy it because I have been learning things from each and every one of them.  For me, this is my first real job having my own caseload and it has been so great to work with others that can only help me build myself up to be an amazing Social Worker.  The only major and extremely horribly downfall to working is obviously being away from the kids.  I really enjoyed being a stay at home mom and working part time but I knew that if I did not take this opportunity not only would we struggle financially but once I was done having children, they were all in school and grown up I would have nothing to fall back on career wise.  As difficult as the choice was to go back to work full time I know it has benefited our family in so many ways and that is all that matters.

Andrew has also landed a new career and starts on Monday with Geico.  I am so extremely proud of him for all of the positive changes he has made in his life the past 3 or 4 months.  He has been a great stay at home dad and I know from experience that he will look back and be so grateful to have been able to be at home with them during the day.  Not many people are able to experience it and I hope to again one day :) With both of our incomes we will be saving for our wedding which we FINALLY have a venue and a date for! October 13th, 2018!!!! After that we plan on getting a house.  A lot of really good things to look forward to!

So I guess I will end it here for now, I have a lot more to write but since I only had this short window to type this at work (my student this period is absent) I need to get back to seeing my kiddos!

I am really excited to start blogging again as I know for me it is a really good way for me to vent and get things out.  I think also it may help hold me accountable, but that's a different story!

Toodle-Lo Kanagroo! 

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